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Bournbrook History Trail

Bournbrook History Trail

In spring 2021, we worked with community members in Bournbrook and Selly Oak to design an arts event for the area that will run alongside the Commonwealth Games. Over a year later, with support of the Birmingham 2022 Festival, we made this project a reality.


On the launch weekend, our tourguides lead visitors and local people around Bournbrook’s historical sites, giving insight into the historical buildings and sites on our doorsteps. For families and theatre-lovers, there were also interactive performance tours, led by actors in-character as historical local figures. The tours finished at our workshop venues where free-to-participate creative workshops were running, on the theme of local history. Midway through their tours, participants saw a short theatre performance, exploring some of the themes of the tour and the workshops.


After our initial launch weekend, the tour was be converted into a permanent QR code walking tour which can be accessed online. 

Accessibility and inclusivity are key values of Windswept Workshops, and particularly key on this project. We looked to tell the history of “ordinary” people in the area as well as those in power, and the tour was be BSL interpreted and took into account as many different access needs as possible. 


Access the audiotour here!

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